






這批約四百餘本,主要與秘教有關的特蒐,乃由已故之 歐約翰 教授〈Johannes Aagaard〉與其在丹麥的「對話中心」〈Dialogcenter〉同工,花卅年時間〈1973-2003〉研究從世界各地進入丹麥的新興宗教運動的收藏。

其中有些書很特別,因為是這些運動的導師或追隨者親自贈與 教授的。有些是從秘教歸主後,想把他們的秘教書丟棄。與其燒毀那些書,他們決定轉送給對話中心。這些書有來自印度、美國、英國、丹麥或世界的其他地方。其中有許多書太特別,一般圖書館不會收藏。事實上,丹麥國家圖書館取走他們想要的文獻後,這批書就丟在對話中心沒人理睬。但若想牧養陷入詭異秘教處境的人們,有護教使命的基督徒學者就不能不研究秘教。黑暗世界的真相遠遠超過我們的想像。我們可能無法預料對人類怪異之世界觀的必要理解會帶出甚麼樣的效益。為了從對話中心的圖書館挑出英文圖書送到台灣收藏,我整整花了兩天時間篩選。

當故 教授的師母知道這些書將運往台灣時,她說:「這正是 博士的願望,希望這些書籍能成為更多人的幫助。」


鄧彥士牧師〈Rev. Jens Dammeyer

Donated Books about Occult Religions from Denmark (Letter from Rev. Jens Dammeyer)

This collection of special books (around 400 volumes), mainly about occult religions have been collected by the late professor Johannes Aagaard and his coworkers at the Dialogcenter in Denmark during 30 years (1973-2003) of work with the New Religious Movements coming to Denmark from all over the world. 

Some of them are very special as they have been given to him personally by disciples or masters in the movements. Some of them are from people who became Christians and wanted to get rid of their occult books. In stead of burning their library they gave it to the Dialogcenter. The books are from India , USA , England , Denmark - anywhere in the world.

Many of the books are too special for a normal theological library. In fact they were left at the Dialogcenter after the state library had taken what they wanted. But, working with apologetics in order to shepherd people in strange religious situations some Christian scholars must study the occult. Often the dark realities exceed imagination and one never knows what can lead to the often necessary understanding of weird human world views. 

It took two days to select the books in English from the Dialogcenter library that should be kept for Taiwan . When the wife of the late Dr. Aagaard learned that the books was going to Taiwan she said that this was what Dr. Aagaard had hoped - that these books could become a help to other people.

I can think of no better place for the books than in China Lutheran Seminary in Taiwan .

Jens Dammeyer  October 2009